We love going on adventures, traveling and finding new places to explore! But sometimes the best place to explore and adventure Is right in your home.. here we go with ideas we’ve done ‘round this home!
Active & Play IDEAS: 2- At Home Scavenger Hunts! Click it or Gather scavenger hunts - screenshot the pictures below for the list you can do in any yard!
Obstacle Course:
Set up stations in your yard or a large area in your home and time yourself! Time each other to see who wins! Try and beat your own time & even change up the stations!
Station ideas: *Head on the top of a bat and spin 5 times *Frisbee toss *Hula Hoop *Hopscotch area with chalk *Slides/Tunnels/any play items *Hitting a golf balls *Throwing Baseballs *Bike Ride (even better if you have a tiny bike with bigger kids :))
*Tunnel- make a tunnel out of pool noodles *Bounce on a exercise ball *Buckets in a line - throw in a ping pong ball to each bucket *Laser Beam Strings (see below how it works)
Laser Beams - This is a great activity all on it’s own! Inspired by @weelittlenomads you can find a room or hallway you can wind yard around. Tell the kids (or adults) to try and slide through without touching the “laser beams!” Get really good at it? Start to time each other!
Indoor Swimming Pool - get your summer pool and fill it up with air or if it’s plastic through it in a big room! Filli it up with play balls like THESE! A fun blow up pool are the minnidip ones!
Family Yoga: You tube your favorite! Our families is HERE
Tent Time: Make a tent using your own furniture, sheets, blankets and all! Get creative- this will keep the family busy for half a day! Dance Party: Open a large area in your room and put up lights and if you have some large mirrors that are movable put those out too! Hook up some loud speakers and get dancing! Your family will be sweatin’ and laughin’ & lovin’ life before you know it!
Hula Hoop Competitions: Make a tournament paper and see who has the best hula hoop skills in the fam!
Remember this classic game? All you need is your house & a medium-size ball. Split up your fam on each side of the home into teams. One team has the ball and throws it over the house while yelling "eeny-einy-over." The throwing team then runs around the building and tries to tag players on the receiving team. Tagged people join the other team. The receiving team tries to avoid being tagged, of course, and also can throw the ball at players on the throwing team. Anyone who gets hit switches teams. Players are safe when they reach the other side of the building. The game ends when everyone is on the same team. Variation: Players are safe only when they do a complete revolution of the building.
Puddle Jumpin'!: My girls wake up hoping for rain every morning because their favorite front yard activity is jumping in in puddles! Sounds so simple- but this fun, time consuming experience will make for the best memories! We love our Reima gear for any rainy days... see HERE what we wear and use code: CAREXREIMA20 for 20% off!
Learning & Art:
*Body Art! - On a large cardboard box or poster boards trace your child! Let them color whatever outfit/hair/face etc. in! This took up 3 hours for us! (I bet you can do a better job of tracing your child as well :))
*Sand Art - it never drys out and the kids love the textures! *Q*BITS - this game keeps certain kids busy for hours! It's such a good game to learn and play at the same time! Check it out on amazon HERE.
Magnet Tiles - my mother-in-law got these for the girls at Christmas and it has been so entertaining ever sense! It also keeps them thinking and helps their creativity. You will not regret this purchase. My 13 year old nephew loves them down to my 2 year old little girl!
*Lunch Doodles with Mo Willems- He will show you how to make fun doodles - find him on YouTube
List of our favorite crafts and supplies from amazon: Sand Art Botton Match ISPY Books