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Activities for your next flight

We have ideas for everyone! Below you'll find ideas for kids and adults. We want to help make your trip about the travel and not just the destination.

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Before you leave home:

Take a couple of hours to prep for your flight downloads. There's nothing worse than getting to the airport and you want to download your favorite show but there isn't enough time - plan ahead and download this at home!

Depending on where your destination is taking you, get some paper maps, and download them onto the cell phone, iPad or laptop you are bringing. Once you are on your flight you can plan your trip itinerary without wifi.

Take a few minutes to be sure you've ordered everything you need in your carry-on .  Check out our favorite carry-on activities below and our packing list here to help!

Getting some snacks from your local grocery store before you leave will not only help you save money- you'll have your favorite snacks as well!


Suprise bags

Suprise bags are a highlight of the girl's trips! We love to make surprise bags for each hour (or half-hour) of our trip. Each bag has a new small surprise. We incorporate things we were bringing otherwise, but instead - it's a surprise! Each bag has something different - A snack, travel game, coloring kit, mini toy, etc! Have a blast! 


Play Airplane

Put those boxes to good use and have your kids make their favorite airplane! Make a night of it by checking at the airport, then head to the theater for some popcorn and a movie!

This is great practice for the plane, sitting in the box for the movie :)
If you need practice, make a small area for you to sit in as well during the movie.




activity ideas 
for everyone
activity ideas
for kids:





*Download Movies

and shows










Download Podcast
Download Books
Books and Travel Magazines








See above for the idea of how

surprise Bags work.

Below ideas are links

as ideas for what you could

put in the bags!












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Feel free to e-mail us, we'd love to hear from YOU!


We will get back with you as soon as we have cell service.

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